October 3, 2007 Andy

Small Person’s Syndrome

I’ve been out of action for the past week. Firstly, because I’ve been cooped up at home following the birth of my third child. Secondly, because I’ve been ploughing through a ream of numbers that would make even the hardiest of accountants weep. And I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not really a Blog person.

Now, this could be because I don’t have the right temperament or capability. Or because I’m lazy. Or more realistically because I’m crap at writing and my posts are dull. I’ve no idea.

But I’ve come to the conclusion that it is more than that. I simply don’t feel the need to air my thoughts to the world, no matter how cathartic or inspirational (or dull) they may be. I don’t feel like a little person in a big world. I don’t feel uninspired or unhappy. Life is fine.

I’ll carry on doing this, because it is useful to get a feel for things, especially as I advise clients in this field. But if you choose to read it or not, I don’t care.

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