January 9, 2008 Andy

Day 12 – crossing the Cook Straight to North Island, then up to Lake Taupo via Napier

Today saw us depart the South Island for the last time (for this trip, at least) and head on the ferry to Wellington and the North Island. Not much to say apart from the crossing was very uneventful (aside from Will making two new friends, while watching Nancy Drew. Don’t ask.)

We then drove up the West Coast through rain, floods and fruit vendors across the East Coast to Napier, where we then headed East to Taupo through the Geothermal Highway. Or something like that. Not much to say about the trip apart from it rained. LOTS.

We arrived in Taupo and after booking in at a local campsite, headed out to dinner. Taupo has changed a lot since I was last here. Ther eis now a large thriving town, for starters. Anyhoo, the restaurant had some crayons and the middle photo is a snapshot of Will’s drawing of the Gold Power Ranger.

Back to teh campsite for a shower (yaay) but no hot spa (boo). Tomorrow – Waitomo Caves.

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