January 3, 2008 Andy

Day 5: addendum

So, I’ve now learned that when you decide to go for a ‘quick paddle’, there is always someone around who has better equipment in a nicer place that you have access to. Dave decided that it wasn’t really sensible to try canoeing ouside his house (too much of a current for Will). So we headed off to Lyttleton, home of Hannah’s birth, to go canoeing in much better canoes. Courtesy of two Dutch people that they have never met.

The setting was quite incredible. Surrounding us on all sides were glacial mountains and valleys, the sky was a deep azure, the silence was resounding and the sun was incredibly hot. Beautiful. The sort of place that Antonia would love. This one’s for you, Ant.

Will understands that there is a “hole in the sky” here, but can’t quite comprehend why I’m making him wear a hat so much. You have to experience the power of the sun here to comprehend how strong it can be.

Anyhoo, we ended the evening having dinner in a restaurant called Volcanoe. My point exactly.

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