February 8, 2008 Andy

Fuzzy logic for Friday

Two themes this week. The first two sites are centred on increasing our broader strategic understanding of issues in the channels, disciplines and verticals within which we operate. Might not appeal to all of you, but Client Service should definitely take a peek. The other two sites were things I came across that got me thinking about the emotional thought process people go through when considering a job move and how our clients could help alleviate this.



P.S. Any good rugby players out there who may be able to help an ailing England rugby team out? All offers to help should be sent to Community@therfu.com

Wharton Knowledge Institute (
Wharton is one of America’s leading business schools, often featuring higher than Harvard and Yale in the league tables.
Knowledge@Wharton has been going for a while and provides quality publications on a whole range of issues. Their take is often US-centric or globally-oriented, but the insight is just as valid. Some of the content can be downloaded as podcasts, which makes life easier for those of us who travel lots.

The BCG Innovation Institute (http://innovation.bcg.com/)
Old school management consulting meets new school ideation; BCG can be highbrow, but there is no doubting the quality of their thought. The innovation institute contains reports and forums on innovation, vertical vignettes and access to the global innovation survey, which is published in Business Week.

Multimap (http://www.multimap.com/)
Before Google Maps, Multimap was THE mapping tool of choice. Then came Google and multimap paled into insignificance. Now, multimap has relaunched its site with a whole package of useful and added value content. Driving to a job interview and want to know where garages and parking facilities are along the route? Or nearest hotels? Or places with wi-fi access? Need the content sent to your mobile? No problems. Multimap has incorporated all this information into a single place and the resultant effect, though the interface needs working on, is great.

Some of our clients (e.g. HBOS) have longstanding contractual arrangements with Multimap. Perhaps we should look to expand on this relationship?

Zoopla (http://www.zoopla.co.uk/)
The burgeoning online property market has always been an interesting one to follow. Zoopla is the latest attempt to make the property marketplace more transparent by providing free access to the essential tools and information to help people understand home values, view similar properties and learn about past transactions. Want to know how much your house is worth or what was the last price paid for a house you’re interested in? Zoopla makes it easy.

How is this relevant to Recruitment Marketing, I hear you shout? Consider this, changing jobs is as much as a lifestyle decision as a financial one. And when it comes down to the crunch, the social factors are often more important in accepting a job offers that the financial ones. Yet how many careers and job sites provide access to this sort of information?

ooohhhhh. and I just came across this. Probably won’t help at all in relation to recruitment marketing. One for our creatives, really, but to quote a popular food brand, “I’m lovin’ it”: http://imagemoversdigital.com/

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