Every so often I get a rush of euphoria about how great life is since the advent and advance if IP and mobile technology. Last night’s rush was around the fact that synchronisation between my Outlook and mobile devices has made life soooooo much simpler. No more carting around address books, calendars, filofaxes and the like; no more storing reams of unintelligible numbers in your head; no more printing hundreds of emails to stay in the loop. If you never stop to think about these things, you never really appreciate how far we have come.
Anyhoo, today’s fix is all about wireless and how easy it is to remote work. I’m currently on a train (National Express), using the train’s free wifi system and working off the power socket so my battery doesn’t drain. As my battery is only capable of about an hour’s worth of usage, this in itself is fantastic. Here’s a snapshot. Oh bliss…..