October 10, 2008 Andy

Friday fun – back to basics

We’ve already come across some interesting sites this week, courtsey of Russ and Anthony. And we were thinking of running a feature based around validating the accuracy of online material, given that this has been the subject of a lot of focus over the past few weeks.

However, it has already been a tough week for many people and so I’ve been looking for something a little less serious and a bit more frivolous. And eventually I stumbled across this – an absolute corker. Every so often, you come across a gem like this which reminds us that for every serious, well crafted piece of work, there are hundreds, if not thousands of people willing to tear it to shreds…

This one if for those children of the eighties. And for those of you who are too young to remember what it was like growing up BC (before the age of computers), just check out the dodgy hairstyles, puffball skirts and dull lighting. Class stuff.


(I’m just praying that access hasn’t been blocked)

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