November 6, 2008 Andy

Friday mails: back to nature

In conducting research for Anglo, PMI and BP, I’ve been looking to understand how companies who are involved in activities that are perceived to be harmful to individuals or the environment actively manage or promote this as a positive challenge in recruitment. Judo marketing, so to speak. Anyway, other than the first link, which is a crass attempt to ply populist support for these mails, the two sites offer a couple of different ideas. Both of which use crowdsourcing to generate active content (which makes the site low cost) and could be see as nice examples of using web 2.0.Enjoy


Flash Spider (

If you are arachnophobic this is not the site for you. It’s just frighteningly realistic. If you press the space bar, insects will be dropped around the globe for the spider to eat. An inventive use I’ve heard of was getting the spider to invade Germany. Anyhow, just enjoy it.

Is McDonalds as bad for you (and the environment) as you think? (

Following a batch of post-party munchies yesterday, a new phrase was coined: “McGuilt”. McGuilt is a word used to describe the feeling you have after doing something that you know is bad for you, but you needed to do anyway. In this case it was feeding a hangover with a Big Mac. Fast food hedonism, so to say. Anyway, I came across this site when I was researching McDonalds UK Career site – rather than trying to include a spurious statement on diversity or how Green McDonalds is, the company has set up a bespoke Microsite which allows an open conversation about food and our diet in a “simple and straight-talking” manner. It’s a Ronseal site (does what it says on the tin) and has some nice touches, like the ‘Focus on’ section. Given the fact that my children eat one happy meal a week, I too was interested to see what went into Chicken Nuggets…

Eco maps go mobile (
Came across this one on Springwise. West Sussex is a very green county with heaps of eco-friendly initiatives to get involved with and my next door neighbor is an active greenie (or should I say an activist) having educated me in the ways of green manure, bio-diversity and carbon-offsetting. Anyway, it got me interested in finding out more about localized green issues. This site, which has been running since 1995, allows people to access and most recently upload information about “green living, nature, social and cultural resources” near their homes and while travelling. It’s a bespoke site for greenies, but I can see it being used by Organisations whose reputation in such arenas are dubious to say the least (think Oil, Power, Steel Manufacturers, Fast Food and so on)

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