April 3, 2009 Andy

Happy Birthday World Wide Web!

You may not be aware, but the World Wide Web has recently celebrated its 20th birthday. The 13th March 2009 marked the transition of the www from spotty adolescent into (nearly) full adulthood. To me this represented a huge milestone, as it meant that, amongst other things, we have people entering the job market who will never have known life without web access. For those of us who remember getting excited when colour TV was introduced this can be a terrifying thought…

It is not simply that fact that the internet has been around, but that the iGeneration approach life and technology in a very different way to us Boomers and Gen Xers – I was explaining this to a journalist last night when he was struggling to comprehend how any individual was capable of concentrating on more than one device at a time…

Anyway, four links today. I’ve looked into the past, the present and the future and come up with some sites that are interesting, engaging and intriguing. I’m sure that there is a great creative term for this, but Andy won’t allow me to use ‘diaspora’…


The magical mystery internet time machine

Want to see what the Microsoft website looked like in 1996? Of want to compare the Hodes website now with what existed in 2003? Simply type in the URL and hey presto, you are presented an archive of the site and it’s numerous incantations spanning backwards over the years. At the very least, it is a good way of seeing how far (or little) a client’s web strategy has progressed.

Twitter Job Search

So the OnRec Awards may have been a letdown for most of us, but they did herald the official launch of TwitterJobSearch. Not to be confused with Twitter Jobs, the official Twitter Careers site. Hmmmm…

An out of this world browsing experience

For those of you who enjoyed the churaumi shark, try this. Enter any search term you like and the site will create a universe of planets out of pictures that have been uploaded to the web. Not only will it provide results for the search term, but also related terms. It’s just a lovely way of conveying information in a different and engaging way. Try typing in G20 or Hodes…

Plug-ins for Photoshop

One of the creatives, really. A veritable feast of tools and plug-ins to enhance your Photoshopping wizardry. Well, those of you who use Photoshop, that is…

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