June 22, 2009 Andy

New BP Ultima Ad

The guys at Ogilvy London have just released this new making-of video, showing the behind the scenes trickery involved in their latest viral campaign for BP Ultimate. Aside from the notion of watching an advert being created (Sony adopted this approach with the Bravia ‘exploding paint’ ads), it got me thinking about how it could be a nice way to demonstrate the collective power of different roles in an organisation working together to achieve a result that couldn’t normally be achieved by an individual on their own. Halifax does this in their advertising (or did, in any case) but mostly to market products, rather than recruit people. In fact, I rarely see TVCs used in Recruitment Marketing, but this approach (releasing the teaser, plus the TVC, plus the making-of video) seems to becoming the norm.


For those of you who haven’t been involved in TVC production, it is a real eye-opener to get an insight in to how exactly they did manage to shoot a group of people carrying a car across a city (Cape Town to be specific). And the reason that they shoot in South Africa, rather than anywhere else, is that it is significantly cheaper. Apparently.

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