August 7, 2009 Andy

With neither rhyme nor reason

Sorry. No AR this week – I’m too busy writing up a workshop on Direct Sourcing. So instead, we have a back to basics mail on a dull and dreary Friday. No theme. No reason. Just a world of web weirdness.


P.S. Unlike some of the emails that have been doing the rounds today, you can click on these links without any fear of reprisal…

The Original Human Tetris Performance
Some people have FAR too much time on their hands…

The Cube
No, not the weird award-winning sci fi film of the same name, but a stop-motion video of a Rubik’s cube being solved to funky musak. For those who are TRUE connoisseurs, try watching in high definition. BTW, did you notice how many of the labels are dog-eared – as if the owners has tried to peel them off to solve the cube, rather than twisting and turning? Hmm…

Twitter with a creative twist
OK, so Social Media is out of grace with Teens (was it ever IN??), but I love this site for its simplicity: it’s Twitter with an artistic bent and to me shows how a creative take on things can make a huge difference.

My eldest lad LOVES gaming. Free gaming at that. So miniclip and y3 are a constant part of his web repertoire. Anyway, it’s not often that you get a free game that is engaging and beautifully designed at the same time.  It’s pretty slow to load, but is also fairly extensive with over 16 levels of gameplay. Some people have found the mechanics slightly frustrating, but no way near as frustrating as watching England play cricket.

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