October 2, 2009 Andy


I’ve adopted a minimalist approach to this week’s Friday mail. No long arduous descriptions. No theme. Just stuff that caught my eye.


I was think of the various housing authorities we have as clients and thought that this site’s navigation was different – engaging and well executed.

This site takes a different approach to surfing, by integrating with your Facebook, Flickr and YouTube profiles to create a very personalised experience. A nice variation on a theme.

For our healthcare clients I came across this – a fun game, useful for whiling away the hours whilst you wait for an appointment. I’m not sure about the merits of the brand experience or how long you would engage with it, but I lasted 10 minutes before I got bored

Can’t remember why I liked this. Perhaps it was the music? Or the navigation? Or the who experience. Whatever, it’s worth spending some time exploring…

Lastly, this is just a harmless bit of fun

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