April 19, 2010 Andy

Part(y)ing thoughts

A Friday mail from our departing New Business Director. Enjoy

“The first part of this blog I thought I’d look at the media battleground, and which channels will win the election….?

Seems that my career goes in cycles along with governments, in fact my three career moves have all been within a couple of months of an election.  I joined Hodes in July 2005 off the back of a very relaxing 3 months on gardening leave; timed well to coincide with the victorious Ashes the not so successful but fun Lions tour to New Zealand.  This also coincided with me being press ganged to support my Mother who was chair of the local Labour Party. Advertising is one of the persuasive industries; nothing is more daunting than standing on some stranger’s doorstep debating local and national politics.

Over the next 3 weeks we can prepare ourselves to be on the receiving end (or involved depending on your perspective) of a multitude of messages through every possible channel…

What’s dominating all the tweets, chat rooms and blogs at the moment is the fallout of last night’s debate.  Party political broadcast aside, isn’t it ironic that the 2010 election is really launching into TV, just as the medium begins to look old and tired, compared to newer media?

On TV debates, former Tory MP, Tim Collins commentated “that this may be the last campaign where TV is the dominant medium,” – funnily enough choosing the even older medium of radio (the BBC’s Today programme).

The only party really benefiting from the televised debates seem to be the LibDems by giving us a genuine 3rd choice.

Last night Gordon Brown thanked David Cameron for all PR he has received by placing his smiley face in many of their election posters.  People in glass houses…. the Labour response via Facebook seems to feature Cameron throughout with my favourites.

As politicians align themselves with celebrity to help boost their profiles this link proves that you can’t always count on their support

Away from politics and where much more interesting techie innovation takes place. We’re always looking at ways to enhance our presentation and pitch experience.  We come across Twinkle this week. Play the clip to see this in action and just marvel at the new ways we can bring our employer brand cervix to life…!!

Talking of innovation – many of our colleagues are aware that the next creative channel involves livestock but did you know that it was an Elephant Posting that was the first to be viewed on YouTube?  Yes, this week the world celebrated YouTube’s 5th Birthday.  Comparing the first 20 postings with the top 10 video viral chart of this week, shows how far (or not) we have come…

And Finally…. As I reminisce about the great times at Hodes I came across footage from a night out with the Holodeck blogger himself – roll on Tuesday!!


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