February 14, 2011 Andy

Friday mail (the short one)

Four sites, all which caught my (or the team’s) eye:

Thinking Space from the Economist – nice flash site which gives you access to the collective brains of prominent planners within the advertising world.

Chrome Experiments (view in Chrome) –  a selection of sites and games which are used to test what you can do with JavaScript and a Chrome browser.

Markup – allows you to review and comment on web pages by creating a URL which can then be sent to clients to comment back on. Great interactive tool, especially for Usability Reviews.

True Life Costs – the latest (award winning) site from Volkswagen aims to show you that spending (sorry, investing) more in a Volkswagen that, for example, a Peugeot is a good thing. “To see the big picture you need to look beyond the one off purchase price.”  Exactly.

Told you I’d keep it short…

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