July 22, 2010 Andy

Seth Godin

I’ve just finished reading What Matters Now a free book recently released by Seth Godin. OK, its less of a book and more of a selection of thoughtpieces by different people, but I like the notion of freevertising, so thought it might be worth reading. Anyway, amongst the various articles, were some nice quotes, which I have outlined below.

Great Leadership is more than influence. It is about reminding people of what it is they are trying to build – and why this matters. It is about painting a picture of a better future. It comes down to pointing the way and saying, “C’mon. We can do this!” When times are tough, vision is the first casualty. Before conditions can improve, it is the first things you must recover.Michael Hyatt, CEO Thomas Nelson Publishers, Leading with Purpose

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” From Tom Peters, The Little BIG Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence

It’s not good enough to be “pretty good” at everything. You have to be the most of something: the most elegant, the most colourful, the most responsive, the most accessible. William C Taylor, Founder of Fast Company magazine, Practically Radical

Obtaining power requires will and skill – the ambition to do the hard work necessary, and the insight required to direct your energy productively. Power comes from an ability to build your reputation, create efficient and effective networks of social relations, act and speak in ways that build influence, and from an ability to create and employ resources – things that others want and need. Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor at Stanford Business School, Power: How to Get it, Use It, and Keep it.

It’s easy to recognise a really smart new business concept as just that. What’s hard is recognising the idea you think is just plain dumb is really tomorrow’s huge breakthrough. Dave Balter, CEO BzzAgent, The Word of Mouth Manual: Volume II

People will forget what you did. They will forget what you said. But they will never forget how you made them feel. Chris Yeo

“When the best leader leads, the people say ‘We did it ourselves.’”, Lao Tzu

There is no such thing as boring knowledge. Only boring presentation Dan Roam, The Back of the Napkin

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