I’ve received a few mails from the team this week with some interesting sites, which is fantastic, as it helps reinforce our view that good ideas can come from anywhere in the organisation. I’ve attached a link to a couple of those I thought might appeal to the collective sense of Fridayness. Then I received a mail from Tom. It’s engaging and passionate and shows that as well as simply looking for interesting stuff, we need to think about how it can apply to the world in which we work, so I’ve put it in verbatim. Well done Stephen, Andrew and Tom, for keeping the flame burning!
Pleasure Hunt My Magnum
Since the heady days of Magnum’s shocking introduction to the heavily traditional world of ice cream, their campaigns have continued to push boundaries. Literally.
The world’s biggest PacMan
A Ronseal site. What more can I say?
“I’m sure you’re going to say you have already seen all this years ago and I’m so behind the times but I was so impressed I wanted to share it with you regardless. I’ve been exploring all the digital recruitment stuff from the Swedish armed forces and its amazing. I remember we featured some social stuff they have done in that GSK prezi so I expect your aware of the work. They all make use of amazing SFX too.
This feels like a really cinematic and immersive environment, using really clever stereo soundscapes, and encompasses various tests and mind teasers that are all really addictive and innovative. It feels a bit like a big budget version of the KPMG mind gym.
This one is a stylish and clever way of sorting through job roles using filters to find your perfect role based on role, environment, and tasks, in varying degrees of interest and intensity and practicality.
My little brother came to me talking about it and said him and all his friends have been playing on it, which is pretty amazing. It involves four random players logging on to the environment, then they test your team work skills by making you perform tasks that need four people to complete. My brother says the most impressive thing is that you all can see each others screens as you all play, meaning you can help each other and collaborate in real time.
These are just three that I’ve found recently and I don’t know if the same agency did them all but it shows what a brave client and a creative agency can achieve, without the massive budgets that that ‘Start thinking Soldier’ campaign had.
Reminds me that recruitment marketing can still be amazing.”