As our ‘beloved’ Andy Hyatt is MIA today I’ve taken up the mantle of the weekly Digital Friday Mail. For those who have just joined (or have never received a ‘Friday Mail’), this is intended as a weekly digest of links and topics that have been of interest to the digital team this week.
The LinkedIn vs. Facebook discussion has been a hot topic for a while, and one that will continue for months (and probably years) to come. What’s made this even more interesting is that this week saw the launch of the Facebook Social Jobs Partnerships. A joint venture between Facebook and the US Dept. of Labor, “The partnership will explore and develop systems for delivering job postings virally through Facebook at no charge.” Some speculate that this will eventually lead to “Facebook destroying Linkedin”. Even if true my personal opinion is that we are a long way from that… In the meantime LinkedIn is maintaining its cool, with co-founder Reid Hoffman stating that ‘Facebook isn’t competition’ at the San Francisco Web 2.0 summit.
Involved in presentations? Then chances are you probably already have a list of data sources that you ‘borrow’ from. Mary Meeker is one of Silicon Valley’s foremost Venture Capitalists and championed very early on companies such as Microsoft, Google and eBay. Her presentations have become legendary and a veritable source of data for anybody working in the digital world. Her latest can be found here . Well worth a read and well worth ‘borrowing’ from.
China (and Asia) cannot be ignored any longer. At some point you will probably be involved in a project that will involve working with clients/partners in this region, as I have been in the last few weeks working on ABB. This site is a great resource for anything related to digital in Asia in general. Ogilvy has also created a handy guide on the equivalent sites of Facebook, Foursquare or even Google in China, which can be found here.
Finally, I thought I would feature Hypem. A site which is creating quite a buzz. It takes music posted on blogs around the world and indexes it in a nice readable format, for everybody to rate and vote for – as well as to listen to. A great way to discover new music…